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Adoptable Pets

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 <<1 2 3 4 55 6 7 8 9 >>
click to view animal details Pen 129 Buttercup
Pit Bull cross
Spayed / Neutered
Female - 4Yrs 2Mths 4Wks
Animal ID: 103941
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click to view animal details Pen-136 'Xena'
Pit Bull cross
Spayed / Neutered
Female - 4Yrs 2Mths 3Wks (approx)
Animal ID: 104121
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click to view animal details Pen 114 Tobias
Pit Bull cross
Spayed / Neutered
Male - 4Yrs 2Mths 2Wks (approx)
Animal ID: 104215
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click to view animal details Pen 158 Maisie
Pit Bull cross
Spayed / Neutered
Female - 4Yrs 2Mths 2Wks
Animal ID: 104226
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click to view animal details Pen 176 Missy
Pit Bull cross
Spayed / Neutered
Female - 2Yrs 1Mths 4Wks (approx)
Animal ID: 104294
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click to view animal details Pen 125 Scout
Pit Bull cross
Spayed / Neutered
Male - 2Yrs 2Mths 1Wks
Animal ID: 104338
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click to view animal details In Foster Duke
Pit Bull cross
Spayed / Neutered
Male - 4Yrs 2Mths 1Wks
Animal ID: 104413
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click to view animal details Pen 175 Mack
Pit Bull cross
Spayed / Neutered
Male - 2Yrs 2Mths 1Wks
Animal ID: 104437
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click to view animal details Pen 161 Pebbles
Pit Bull cross
Spayed / Neutered
Female - 2Yrs 2Mths (approx)
Animal ID: 104581
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click to view animal details Pen 180c Iggy
Pit Bull cross
Spayed / Neutered
Female - 1Yrs 1Mths 1Wks (approx)
Animal ID: 104740
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click to view animal details Pen 141 Gelato
Pit Bull cross
Spayed / Neutered
Male - 3Yrs 1Mths 3Wks (approx)
Animal ID: 104815
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click to view animal details Pen 211c Hallie
Pit Bull cross
Spayed / Neutered
Female - 3Yrs 1Mths (approx)
Animal ID: 104922
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click to view animal details Pen 149 Jewel
Pit Bull cross
Spayed / Neutered
Female - 3Yrs 1Mths 1Wks (approx)
Animal ID: 105065
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click to view animal details Pen 191 Pippi
Pit Bull cross
Spayed / Neutered
Female - 3Yrs 1Mths 1Wks (approx)
Animal ID: 105042
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click to view animal details Pen 154 Dynamite
Pit Bull cross
Spayed / Neutered
Male - 3Yrs 1Mths 1Wks (approx)
Animal ID: 105086
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click to view animal details Pen 177 Valen
Pit Bull cross
Spayed / Neutered
Male - 2Yrs 1Mths 1Wks
Animal ID: 105113
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 <<1 2 3 4 55 6 7 8 9 >>